Tigers of Pench
Pench national park was declared as a tiger reserve in 1992. Since then the whole area is protected and preserved in a well manner. The result of it can be seen in the steady rising numbers of the tigers of this protected area. Tigers, one of the magnificent and attractive animals and is in the wish list for many people world over, to be seen in the wild and in their natural habitat. So this reserve like many other reserves attracted many tourists both national and international. The jungle is full of amazing flora and fauna, with some uniqueness to each and every living being. But the stars of the show are these tigers. There were and are some famous tigers that have ruled and are ruling now, who have attracted many alike.
Some of the famous tigers and tigress of Pench
Tiger Tigress
Charger Badi Mada
Chotta charger C1
Tarzan C2
BMW Collarwali
Rayakkassa Baghinallah
L Mark Sharmili
Monga Langdi
Bagoda Patdev
Kathiya New Baginallah
Handsome Bijamatta female
The mother of all mothers. She was the queen of Pench. She was one of those tigresses who have created a dynasty of tigers in this central Indian area. She is the famous tigress who starred in the very first documentary made on the life of tigers by BBC, known as ‘Spy in the Jungle’. She gave birth to 4 cubs in that time, two male and two female. She made sure that all of them survived up to adulthood. She delivered couple of more litters in her life span. Most of the tigers found now in Pench are her offspring’s offspring and their offspring.
She is the princess of Pench. She got the name ‘Collarwali’, since she was radio collared for couple year to study about the tigress. She is also known as ‘Matharam’. She is one of the most famous tigresses worldwide for giving birth to the maximum number of cubs in her lifetime. So far she has given birth to 29 cubs in 8 litters. Once she had even raised a litter of 5 cubs up to their adulthood. She is one of the daughters of the early tigress Badi Mada. She has starred in the first documentary as a cub. Now many of her cubs have grownup and have widespread distribution in this area.
She is the sibling of the famous Collarwali tigress and one of the cubs of the first litter of Badi Mada. She was also a good mother and an equally powerful tigress like her sister. She was also a huge and bold tigress. She gave birth to four litters of cubs. When she was at her prime age she died unfortunately due to some poisoning. Sadly her three young cubs too died in a short while after her death. Now one of her female cub has taken over her territory.
One of the dominant and aggressive male of the early days of the reserve. He was the father of the first litter of Badi Mada. He too has starred in that first documentary on tigers. He was a massive tiger, and a very shy fellow, not often seen outside in the open like other tigers in general. Once he has even killed a sloth bear too, which is rare. He was father of many other tigers of this region. He was ruling this area for few years during his prime age.
Another massive male of this region. He is one of the cub among that littler of 5 cubs of the famous tigress Collarwali. He grew up fast and massively. He learned the hunting skills from his mom faster, and he even hunted big stags when he was still young. This massive male tiger had a big territory. He is mostly in the northern side of the park. He too fathered to some cubs through different tigresses around his territory.
She is again one of the cubs of the early tigress Badi Mada. When she was young she had some injury in her right forelimb, her paw is little bent which can be visible when she is walking. In spite of the injury she grew up and even gave birth to 11 cubs in three litters and managed to raise them to adulthood. Once a new male entered into her territory, immediately she vanished away from her usual area with her four cubs. No one could see her or her cubs for over a month, but she ensured her cubs are safe and well fed too. Then she came back to her area with her cubs when she was sure that the new male has left the area. She is indeed a super mom.
He was one of the dominant male tiger in Pench. He got his name after a place called Raiyakkasa, which is on the river Pench. That is one of his favourite spot in his territory. This big male had fathered many cubs of both the tigresses Collarwali and Langdi. He had a huge area under his control when he was in his prime age. But recently when has become older, he was chased away by a young male after a big fight between them for this territory. He lost the fight and walked away with many wounds in his face and body. Then he moved into the Maharashtra side of the park and made a new territory.
She is the princess of Pench. She got the name ‘Collarwali’, since she was radio collared for couple year to study about the tigress. She is also known as ‘Matharam’. She is one of the most famous tigresses worldwide for giving birth to the maximum number of cubs in her lifetime. So far she has given birth to 29 cubs in 8 litters. Once she had even raised a litter of 5 cubs up to their adulthood. She is one of the daughters of the early tigress Badi Mada. She has starred in the first documentary as a cub. Now many of her cubs have grownup and have widespread distribution in this area.
She is the youngest of all the daughters of the tigress Badi Mada. She made a part of the buffer zone as her territory. She was the star of that zone for couple of years. Even though the buffer zones have villages adjacent it, she hardly ventured into the villages. Her cubs from the first 2 litters have grown up and started creating their own territory like their mom in parts of buffer zone. She had 4 cubs in her last litter and they have grown up. She lived in the buffer zone till the end of her life.
He is probably one of the cubs of the tigress Baghinallah. He grew up massively to the reputation of his mom. He is indeed handsome looking male. He moved to a different zone in the Maharashtra side of the park and he formed his own territory there. He established himself well in the new area and fathered to couple of litters from different tigresses. He is still the only dominant male of that particular area.
She is one of the cubs among that litter of 5 cubs of the famous tigress Collarwali. She took a small corner of her mom’s territory and started her own life. She lost her first litter cubs to predation. Then she became extra cautious in raising her next litter of cubs. Now she is having a huge territory to roam around and to raise the cubs safely. She is often sighted at two different waterholes at two different corners of her big territory. Her last litter’s cubs have grown up and are looking huge than their mom, particularly the male cubs.
He is also known as ‘bhagoda’ male. He is an aggressive and huge male at his prime age. But he is a shy male who often runs away inside dense patches. At times he has even charged at the forest department patrolling team. He came from the Maharashtra side of the park to this area and he got his new territory by fighting with one of the dominant and famous male tiger of Pench, Raiyakkasa and defeating him. He fought aggressively and chased the older male out of his territory and took over half of his territory.
She is hopefully one of the cubs of the tigress Baghinallah. She moved towards a new area little closer to her mom’s territory and established herself. Her two cubs from the first litter are now the stars of that area. Her second litter was 3 cubs, a male and two female. She and her 3 cubs were happily living until one day a new male entered into her territory and killed the male cub. In couple of days she lost a female cub too. Then immediately she took her remaining daughter and disappeared for few months. The daughter has grown up and now both of them came back to her territory.