Recent Sightings
Recent sightings chart prepared by our resident naturalists for Pench National Park from January, 2020 onwards:
Date | Session | Zone | Animal/Bird/Reptiles | Observation |
Jan, 01 | Morning | Turia | Sloth Bear, Jackals, Gaurs | > On a rainy day a sloth bear, a rare mammal, was running up the hill from a talab after drinking water. > A herd of 9 Indian Gaurs were grazing in the rains. > Jackals (10) at various spots. |
Jan, 01 | Evening | Khursapar | Leopard | > A leopard moving up on a slope. |
Jan, 02 | Morning | Turia | Jackals | |
Jan, 02 | Evening | Turia | Tigers | > Collarwali tigress with her 3 young cubs. |
Jan, 03 | Morning | Turia | Tigress, Jackals | > Collarwali tigress came out of the bushes and drank water from a small puddle near the road. Then she crossed the road and went the other side. > Many jackals sighted at different spots. |
Jan, 03 | Evening | Turia | Tiger, Eagle | > A male tiger came out and crossed and went off. > Crested Hawk eagle with a pond heron kill. |
Jan, 04 | Morning | Turia | Tigress, Leopard, Nilgai | > A leopard was sitting on a rock and then crossed. > Collarwali tigress |
Jan, 04 | Evening | Turia | Tigers, Jackals | > The 3 little cubs of Collarwali tigress |
Jan, 05 | Morning | Turia | Leopard, Wild Dogs, Jackals | > Leopard inside the bushes. > A wild dog and few Jackals in various spots. |
Jan, 05 | Evening | Turia | Tigers, Gaur, Jackals | > Patdev tigress with one of her cub. |
Jan, 06 | Morning | Turia | Tigers, Leopard, Jackals | > A tiger came out from one side of the road and crossed to the other side. Another tiger was growling on that side. > Collarwali tigress with 3 cubs were moving along the road. |
Jan, 06 | Evening | Turia | Leopard, Tiger | > A leopard came down a slope and moved acoss. > A male tiger was seen in the bushes. |
Jan, 07 | Morning | Turia | Tigers | > Collarwali tigress with her 3 cubs came to a waterhole, drank water and crossed the road and went inside. |
Jan, 07 | Evening | Turia | No major sighting | |
Jan, 08 | Morning | Turia | Tigress | > Collarwali tigress |
Jan, 08 | Evening | Turia | No major sighting | |
Jan, 09 | Morning | Turia | Tigers, Gaurs, Jackals | > A male tiger was sitting on the road, a female was sitting on the grass little inside. Later both went inside together. > A family of 7 Indian gaur was there. There was a very young calf feeding milk from its mom. |
Jan, 09 | Evening | Turia | Leopard, Tiger | > A leopard was sitting deep inside. > A male tiger was sitting near a camp. |
Jan, 10 | Morning | Turia | Tigress, Vultures, Jackals | > Langdi tigress was walking down a slope. > Indian vultures (6) were sitting on a leafless tree. > in a waterbody, couple of Spoonbills, Pochards, Pintails were there. |
Jan, 10 | Evening | Turia | No major sighting | |
Jan, 11 | Morning | Turia | No major sighting | |
Jan, 11 | Evening | Khursapar | Leopard | > A leopard was walking up the hill. |
Jan, 12 | Morning | Turia | No major sighting | |
Jan, 12 | Evening | Turia | No major sighting | |
Jan, 13 | Morning | Turia | Tigers | > Langdi tigress and 1 of her cub was walking on the road on the banks of a talab. |
Jan, 13 | Morning | Khursapar | Tigress | > Baras tigress came down the slope and crossed the road and went inside. |
Jan, 13 | Evening | Turia | Tigers, Jackals, Gaurs | > L mark male tiger came and sat near the rocks and he was cleaning his paws. After few minutes he got up crossed the road and went into the wooded area. > Langdi tigress was sleeping in the grasses near a talab. She woke up and swam across the lake to the other side. Then she swam back to this side, sat down and started to clean herslef. 2 of her cubs were also sighted at another spot. > A wild boar was eating a dead fawn. > A jackal was digging and eating something. > Indin Gaur (7) |
Jan, 13 | Evening | Khursapar | Wild dogs | > 6 wild dogs were eating a spotted deer. |
Jan, 14 | Morning | Turia | Leopards | > A pair of leopards ran across the road and went up the slope. |
Jan, 14 | Evening | Turia | ||
Jan, 15 | Morning | Turia | No major sighting | |
Jan, 15 | Evening | Turia | No major sighting | |
Jan, 16 | Morning | Turia | Tigers, Leopards | > Collarwali tigress was walking on the road, her 3 cubs were little inside in the bushes. Later mom came and went with the cubs. > A sub adult male tiger was sitting on a rock. Then he stood up and came down the rocks and crossed the road to the other side. > A leopard came from one side and crossed to the other side of the road. > At another spot a leopard was sitting on a small rock deep in the bushes. Then he got down and went inside. |
Jan, 16 | Evening | Turia | Tigers | > A male tiger was sighted at one spot. > 2 sub adult male tigers sighted at another spot. |
Jan, 16 | Evening | Khursapar | Four horned antelope | > A shy and elusive four horned antelope in the bush |
Jan, 17 | Morning | Turia | ||
Jan, 17 | Evening | Turia | Leopard | > A leopard was sitting on a rock, then he got up and went little inside. There he slept off. |
Jan, 17 | Night | Khawasa | Black naped hare | > 5 black naped hares were moving in different spot |
Jan, 18 | Morning | Turia | Tiger | > A tiger was eating something sitting behind a bush. > At another spot a tiger was walking inside in the wooded area down to a nalah. |
Jan, 18 | Evening | Turia | ||
Jan, 19 | Morning | Sillari | Tigers, Barking deer, Kingfisher | > 2 Tigers were moving in the bushes. > A rare barking deer was sighted. > A Stork billed Kingfisher was sitting on a tree's branch above a small water canal. |
Jan, 19 | Evening | Turia | ||
Jan, 20 | Morning | Turia | Tigers, Hornbills, Nightjar, Jackals | > Three sub adult male tigers were sitting inside. > A pair of Malabar pied hornbill was sitting on a dead tree top for few minutes and then flew off. > A Long-tailed Nightjar was roosting in a well camouflaged manner on a tendu tree. > 4 jackals at different spots. |
Jan, 20 | Evening | No safari | ||
Jan, 21 | Morning | Turia | Jungle cat, Hornbill, warbler | > A jungle cat was moving slwoly in the grasses down to a nalah. > A pair of Malabar pied Hornbills flew across a lake. > A sulpher bellied warbler was climbing up a tree. |
Jan, 21 | Evening | Turia | Leopards | > Near a talabh, two leopard were sighted. One leopard was sitting on the tree, another leopard was sitting on the ground below the tree. Later they both went inside. |
Jan, 22 | Morning | Turia | ||
Jan, 22 | Evening | Khursapar | Tigress | > Baras tigress was sighted after few days. |
Jan, 23 | Morning | Turia | No safari | |
Jan, 23 | Evening | Turia | Tiger | > A sub adult male tiger came out from the bushes and crossed the road and went inside. |
Jan, 24 | Morning | Turia | Tiger | > A sub adult male tiger was crossing the road. |
Jan, 24 | Evening | Turia | Tiger | > A male tiger was crossing the road. |
Jan, 25 | Morning | Turia | Jungle cat, Tigers | > A jungle cat was sitting inside the grasses. > 2 tigers were crossing the road and moving to the other side. |
Jan, 25 | Morning | Sillari | Tigers | > 2 tigers were moving inside in the bushes. |
Jan, 25 | Morning | Khursapar | Tigress | > Baras tigress was moving down a nalah. |
Jan, 25 | Evening | Turia | Tigers | > Collarwali tigress with her 3 cubs. > A tiger was sitting in the grass. He then got up crossed the road to go to a talab. |
Jan, 25 | Evening | Khursapar | Leopard | > A leopard was sitting in the bushes,30-35mtr away from the road for long time, before going inside. |
Jan, 26 | Morning | Turia | Tigers, Leoprad | > There were two sub adult male tigers movng together. At one moment when they went across a bush they saw spotted deers grazing. One of the tiger pounced on the deer, but the deers were too fast and they escaped. > A leopard was on the rock. |
Jan, 26 | Evening | Turia | ||
Jan, 26 | Night | Khawasa | Python, Owl, Hares | > A Rock Python very slowly crossed the road and went inside near a ghost tree. > A Barn Owl was sitting on pole. > 4 Black naped Hares were sighted at different spot. |
Jan, 27 | Morning | Khursapar | Leopards | > A male leopard was moving inside the grasses near a waterhole. > At another place a female leopard was walking up a slope with her grown up cub. (Leopards are rare in this zone) |
Jan, 27 | Evening | Turia | Tiger | > A sub adult male tiger got up from the grass and walking away inside. |
Jan, 28 | Morning | Turia | Tigers, Wild Dogs | > A pair of wild dogs were sighted on the road. > Collarwali tigress with her 3 cubs. |
Jan, 28 | Evening | Sillari | Jackals | > 3 jackals at different spots. |
Jan, 29 | Morning | Turia | Tigress | > Collarwali tigress was seen coming from behind the bushes. When she came out to the open area we saw her carrying a half eaten spotted deer fawn in her mouth. She was heading to the other side of the road towards her cubs. |
Jan, 29 | Evening | No safari | ||
Jan, 30 | Morning | Turia | Tiger | > A tiger came out from the grass and crossed the road and went to the other side. |
Jan, 30 | Evening | Turia | Tiger | > A sub adult male tiger was sitting on a nallah and then he slept off there for long time. |
Jan, 31 | Morning | Turia | Tigers | > A sub adult male tiger crossed the road and went. > Collarwali tigerss with her 3 cubs. |
Jan, 31 | Evening | Turia | Wild Dogs | > A pack of 10 wild dogs were sitting on the road. Then they started moving inside up a slope. |
Feb, 01 | Morning | Turia | ||
Feb, 01 | Evening | Turia | Tigers | > Langdi tigress and her 2 sub adult cubs were crossing the road to the other side. Later, a sub adult came out and climbed up on the roack and sat down. Few minutes later another cub came out and sat little away from the first one. |
Feb, 02 | Morning | Turia | Tigers | > 3 sub adult tigers were seen sitting in the grass. |
Feb, 02 | Evening | Turia | Wild Dog, Tiger | > A sub adult male tiger was sighted. > A pair of wild dogs were moving inside. |
Feb, 03 | Morning | Turia | Tigers | > Collarwali tigress with her 3 cubs crossed the road and went inside. > One sub adult male tiger at another area. |
Feb, 03 | Evening | Turia | Tigers, Leopard | > A leopard crossed the raod went off. > L mark male tiger and Langdi tigress was sighted together in his territory. > A sub adult male tiger at another spot. |
Feb, 04 | Morning | Turia | No major sighting | |
Feb, 04 | Evening | Turia | No major sighting | |
Feb, 05 | Morning | Turia | Tigers | > 2 sub adult male tigers were at a spot. One of the tiger was climbing an inclined tree, another one was moving behind the bush. |
Feb, 05 | Evening | Khursapar | Jungle Cat, Sloth Bear, Tigress | > A rare Sloth Bear was seen moving the woods. > Baras tigress was sighted. > A Jungle cat was on the road while coming back, |
Feb, 06 | Morning | Turia | Tigers | > Patdev tigress was walking inside in the bushes. > Collarwali tigress and her 3 cubs were sighted in her usual place. |
Feb, 06 | Evening | Turia | Tiger | > A tiger was sleeping inside a bush for long time. |
Feb, 07 | Morning | Turia | Tiger | > A tiger was sighted. |
Feb, 07 | Evening | Turia | Leopard, Tiger | > A leopard was on a rock. > A tiger at another spot. |
Feb, 07 | Evening | Turia | Flying Squrriel | > After the sunset near a nalah on an arjun tree, 3 Indian Giant Flying Squrriel were sighted. They even glided from one tree to the other tree. |
Feb, 08 | Morning | Turia | Wild Dogs, Tigers | > A pair of wild dogs moving inside. > Collarwali tigress with her 3 cubs at one of her favourite spot. |
Feb, 08 | Evening | Turia | Leopard | > A leopard was walking inside the woods. |
Feb, 08 | Evening | Khursapar | Tigress | > Baras tigress was seen moving across the road. |
Feb, 09 | Morning | Turia | Tigers | > Collarwali tigress with her 3 cubs. |
Feb, 09 | Morning | Khursapar | Tigress | > Baras tigress was crossing the road. |
Feb, 09 | Evening | Turia | Jungle Cat, Leopard, Tiger | > Jungle cat was sighted in the grasses. > Leopard was sitting in the rock. > A sub adult male tiger was crossing the road. |
Feb, 10 | Morning | Turia | Tigers, Leopards, Jackals | > Collarwali tigress with her 3 cubs in the usual spot. > A leopard was sitting on a rock. Another leopard was sighted at another spot. > Jackals (8) at different spots |
Feb, 10 | Morning | Sillari | Tiger | > A tiger was walking in the bushes and suddenly stood up and did scratch marking in a tree. |
Feb, 10 | Evening | Turia | No major sighting | |
Feb, 11 | Morning | Turia | Leopard, Tiger, Jackals | > A leoaprd came down a slope and crossed the road and went inside. > A male tiger came out from the bushes and crossed the road and went away. |
Feb, 11 | Morning | Sillari | Sloth Bear, Tiger, Malabar pied Hornbill | > 2 Sloth bear tried to cross the road but went back inside even before reaching the gate. > A tiger was walking far away. > A pair of Malabar Pied Hornbill |
Feb, 11 | Evening | Turia | Tiger, Jackals, Hornbill, Flying Squrriel | > One cub of collarwali tigress was sighted. > 3 jackals were feeding on a male spotted deer. > Malabar pied Hornbill flying away. > Indian Giant flying Squrriel. |
Feb, 12 | Morning | Turia | Tigers, Jungle cat, Jackal | > Collarwali tigress was moving around and makring her territory. She was crossing the road 4 times in different spots. > A sub adult male tiger crossed from oneside to the other side. > A Jungle cat and a jackal was fighting. |
Feb, 12 | Evening | Khursapar | Sloth Bear | > A sloth bear came down from the slope near the road and went back insdie. |
Feb, 13 | Morning | Turia | Tigers | > Collarwali tigress and her 3 cubs were moving from one side to the other side. > A male tiger was sighted. |
Feb, 13 | Evening | Turia | Tiger | > L mark male tiger was crossing a road in his area. |
Feb, 14 | Morning | Turia | Tigers, Jungle Cat | > A male tiger was sitting in the open for sometime. Then he stood up, went behind a bush and was seen draging something further inside. > One cub of collarwali tigress came out to a small water puddle and sat behind a tree log to drink water. After drinking he was around and crossed the road to the other side. Few minutes earlier the other 2 cubs crossed in the same spot. Later collarwali tigress was also sighted at another spot. > A Jungle cat was seen moving inside the grass. |
Feb, 14 | Evening | Turia | Jungle cat, Tiger | > The male tiger who was sighted in the morning was sitting the same bushes. He was sleeping there for long time. Later he got up and went further inside and sat down on the far end of talab. > A jungle cat again at different spot. |
Feb, 15 | Morning | Turia | Tigers | > Collarwali tigress with her 3 cubs was moving in one of their regular spot. > A male tiger was sighted at another spot. |
Feb, 15 | Evening | Turia | Tigers, Leopards | > A sub adult male tiger was sitting under a lantana bush near the road. Then he sneeked inside the bushes and disappeared. > A male tiger was crossing the road. > A leopard with 2 young cubs came out to the road and moved down a slope in a nalah and went away. |
Feb, 15 | Evening | Khursapar | Tigress | > Baras tigress gave a good show. She was out in the open for sometime and was moving inside slowly. |
Feb, 16 | Morning | Turia | Tiger | > A male tiger was sitting on a rock for sometime. He then got up and moved down a slope in a nalah. He had some injury in his front right leg, with difficulty he climbed up a slope and went away inside. |
Feb, 16 | Evening | Turia | Tigers, Leopard, Wild Dog, Vultures | > On a rocky area a pack of 6 Wild Dogs have hunted and was eating a spotted deer. > Around 10-12 Indian Vultures were waiting near the place where the dogs have made the kill. > A leopard was sitting on a rock. After sometime he came down the rock and went inside. > A tigress was moving on a slope with 2 little cubs. |